Friday, May 27, 2011

The Reason Why....

Have you ever taken a look at your life and wondered about the reason why you do the things that you do?

I have been, lately, and it might be resulting  in some changes......
In regards to blogging, I'm not sure how much longer I will be continuing.  When I was doing my 30 Day Challenge, it was a way to tell people about Bikram yoga and the process of it.  Now that I am done, I am struggling with finding my blogging voice again.  I've been tossing back and forth in my mind the dilemma of sharing too much or just blogging to have my voice out there, and is that really a reason to continue.  I do know this, until I figure it out, I will not close my blog account, but you may not see me as much.  You may be wondering brought this on, and it wasn't one thing, but a couple.  I read an article about blogging in a magazine, and the ironic part, I can't remember which one, but the premise of the article was that blogging was the new bragging.  It hit me, because bragging in real life bugs me and is my blog bragging?  I've never had the urge to be a writer and in the past, if there was something I wanted to write about, I would get out my journal and write and the world would be none the wiser.

Can you tell I'm conflicted about this? 
Do you blog?  Why do you blog?  What do you think?  I'm looking for advice.....
Confused in cyberspace....


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Days Completed....

I made it!!  I survived!!  I conquered!!  April 30, 2011 was the last day of my Bikram 30 Day Challenge.  30 classes in 30 days.  I actually did it with 30 classes in 28 days, due to a case of food poisoning and taking the day off for Easter.  I did two doubles, 2 classes in a day, to make up for the days off.  It is completely within the rules of the challenge.  They were an experience of rehydrating!

How was the challenge?  It depended on the day.  The first week was a wave of excitement; the second, a battle of the mind; the third finding my balance again; the fourth, a reminder of while the challenge was almost over, my Bikram yoga journey is not over.

I do have to say thank you to some people, because while  the 90 minutes in the class are completely solitary, the challenge affects the other 22 1/2 hours of the day.

So, without any further ado....
Greg, Amanda, Sean, Joann, Janet, Roxanne, Julia, Juls, Gordon, Pam, Karen, and Julie--The AMAZING instructors of Bikram Yoga SLC, who encouraged, gave corrections, and cheered me through out the challenge.

My mom.....She helped out, cheered, and encouraged me on days that I was discouraged.

To everyone who commented, cheered and congratulated me, whether it was on Facebook, real life or emails.  It meant a lot!!!

Now a review.....
What will I NOT miss about the challenge...
1.  The sweaty, wet, stinky laundry that had to be done daily.  My drying rack was used more in the past month that it has ever been used.
2.  Having to go to 6am classes, because I knew that it was the only time I could go that day.  I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again.  Getting up at 5:30 am is not right.....

What I WILL miss...
1.  The sense of satisfaction of getting my toes on the line every day to meet a goal.
2.  Seeing progress almost every day in class, whether physically or mentally

Now that the challenge is over, it's time to find balance with my Bikram yoga practice and the other physical activities that I love to do (swimming, running :) ).  The recommendation from the Bikram studio is to practice 3 to 4 times a week.  I can do that.


The Final Bit....

I knew it was coming, for a while now, but when it finally happened it still hurt. Miss Bacall, tail wagging joyful basset hound superst...