Friday, September 26, 2014

Hello, Colorado!

Colorado is right next door...
not that far away,
but for some reason, I really have not spent a ton of time there.

Thanks to my BucketList, which has visiting all of the National Parks on it, a trip was planned....

to visit 3 out of the 4 in Colorado, and a few other places.

The plan:
    one week with the following places to visit:
                             Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
                             Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve
                             Durango and Silverton
                             Mesa Verde National Park
                             4 Corners Monument
                             Hovenweep National Monument

The week before we left, I checked the weather in all of the locations and got very happy temperatures, mid 70's, but by the time I pulled out of SLC (it was another driving trip), the temperatures had risen dramatically.

Record or near record highs were reached at all of the locations we visited.
grrrrr...It was a little warm, ok HOT, but we still had fun.

This is just the introduction,
I will be doing a post for each one of the parks and the other adventures, due to all of the pictures I took on the trip.

However, to start it off, I would like to introduce you to our constant companion in Colorado.
Rabbitbush or Goldenrod, we are still confused....

Hi Colorado...
It was nice getting to know you better.



Sunday, September 21, 2014

12 in 6...

Something hit me the other day, within a 6 hour drive or less, I can be in 12 different National Parks!

How incredibly lucky am I?

National Parks are my favorite places to vacation to.  You have peace and quiet, nature, different ecosystems from where you live, amazing rangers who share information in an entertaining way and so many other benefits.

Why would you go anywhere else?

So, here are the 12, I can get to within 6 hours from Salt Lake City...

the 5 in Utah:  Arches
                        Bryce Canyon
                        Capitol Reef

the 4 in Colorado:  Black Canyon of the Gunnison
                               Great Sand Dunes
                               Mesa Verde
                               Rocky Mountain

Nevada has one:  Great Basin

Idaho/Wyoming/Montana's:  Yellowstone

Wyoming's:    Grand Teton

Ok, and I just google mapped it, as a bonus, in 6 1/2 hours, I can be at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon from my house, so I thought I should mention it.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I created a Bucket List a while ago, and one of the top items is to visit all 59 of the National Parks.  I recently took a trip to Colorado to visit 3 of their parks, and with those visits, I have passed over the half way point!  :)

I really need to get to Alaska and visit its 9 parks, but I am very happy with my number at this point.

The reason of this post is this, as I have been visiting parks in the past year or so, people have been telling me that they have not gone to a park ever!  This just hurts my soul.  For one thing, visiting a park, for the most part, is a relatively cheap vacation, especially if you camp, and another, your tax dollars help support the parks, so take advantage of a wonderful use of your money.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now,
but leave you with an impassioned plea,

Just home from another amazing National Park Adventure,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


It's my Mom's birthday today....
and I don't think she is getting any older, she's actually getting younger.

She roller skates, on skates she got for Christmas....
She's always up for anything....
She's willing to try new things...
She got introduced to Sephora and now is an addict like me....
She volunteers...
She knits hats for preemies and cancer patients....
She reads children's books...
She has fun and laughs a lot..

All of this information I've just given you should not give you the impression that she has had a life of ease or without complications, she has dealt with a lot....

But her greatest gift and lesson to me has been this...
Always keep moving forward.

I love you more than words....
Thankful for all that you have given me...
Beyond grateful for you always being there...

Happy Birthday!

The Final Bit....

I knew it was coming, for a while now, but when it finally happened it still hurt. Miss Bacall, tail wagging joyful basset hound superst...