Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Infinite Love....

On Monday night, while taking pictures of the 'SuperMoon', I was astounded and upset when my camera, which was on a tripod, was knocked over and the parents of the kid who did it said very bluntly and rudely...

"It's your problem, not mine."

It destroyed my lens and camera.

And for a moment, my optimism.........

Why are people so mean?  Why do people not care?  When did it become acceptable to be cruel?

Then, it began....

the kindness,
the words of comfort,
the care.

I realized something very, very important,

what we focus on is what we see.

There is good in the world and in life, and when the random moments where meanness, lack of care, or cruelty come into our lives,

focus on the good...

because it is still there and it will help heal the wounds from those that are not.

Believe in Infinite Love...

1 comment:

The Final Bit....

I knew it was coming, for a while now, but when it finally happened it still hurt. Miss Bacall, tail wagging joyful basset hound superst...