Are you in shock that you didn't have to wait for 9 months for the next blog? :)
I thought I would try something this year to keep the posts coming in a consistent manner, a month in review post. It will be a book review, resolution update and life in review kind of a thing. It sounded like a good idea in my head so I'm doing it.....
First, did January fly by really fast for you as well????? It's like I blinked and January was over, however, I did get a lot accomplished.
I signed up thru Salt Lake School District Community Education in partnership with my Rowing Club for Winter Training. It started on January 17th and it will run thru late March. On Monday and Wednesday evenings, I go to West High School for ERG/rowing machine training and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training, or as I call it weights on speed). It's kicking my butt in a very good way and more importantly getting me ready to hit the water in late March when the Rowing Season begins. It's been really fun to reconnect with my rowing buds and has also reminded me how much I LOVE to row. Resolution, Get outside more.......
In late December, a friend of mine brought to my attention a program called 'Creating for Happiness' which is a creative challenge to get you to form a daily practice. I have a ton of supplies that I wasn't really using at home or truthfully, at all, so I initially thought this would be a great way to bring value into something I already own. It turned into something quite a bit more and I'm going to be incredibly brave soon and do a post about my art, including pictures to share more about this 30 day challenge I did in January. Resolution, Try Something New a Month...
I also challenged myself to drink at least 48 oz of water a day in January (I figured I would start small and set myself up for success) and did not have one day where I did not make my goal and on Rowing training days, it was WAY more. I did two 'Something to Think About' Journal entries. I chose them at random and they were very appropriate for the things going on in my life, so Ya a resolution that is being more than I thought it would be. I am still on schedule for my Penny Savings Challenge, doing 1 week from January, a week from December, and two weeks from March. Remember my plan was to be flexible on the route, but not on the destination..... Resolutions, More water, At least 26 'Something to Think About' Journal entries, Penny savings challenge
Now onto other things....
I read Les Miserable by Victor Hugo in January. HUGE, HUGE book and could of used a bit of editing (I really could of done without the extensive information and history of the Paris sewers), but if you love the musical, do yourself a favor and read this book. After that 1300 page plus book, I read a few others, but as I write this none of them are jumping out at me to say, recommend me, so I guess that's the end of that.
Work continues to be Nirvana and I am diligently studying and preparing for my new certification I am undertaking. So WAHOO! A happy work life!
I am in shock about the weird, warm, dry winter we are having. It's quite honestly scaring me about our future water. By the way, have you heard about the situation in Cape Town, South Africa? They are running out of water!! They actually have an end date for water. It's scary.
I hope you have avoided the flu that has been ravaging the country! I had a bit of a dental adventure but thanks to a very good dentist/oral surgeon I am well and good now and have avoided the flu, so I can't complain....
I hope 2018 is off to a good start for you...
I'd say you have all your ducks in a row! Impressive. You read Les Miz put OTHER books. I can't get through a 300 page book on slavery.CONGRATS!