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my view of February as it flew on by... |
I kind of had a head down, nose to the grindstone attitude this month and while I did things I enjoyed, if you weren't apart of the schedule, I didn't see or talk to you... I am very sorry about that. In fact, in the last two days, I've had three messages or voicemails saying "Are you alive? I haven't heard from you in a bit..." I need to be better about the balance thing when life is busy or I get behind and am in catch up mode.
Now for the reasons why I went AWOL sorta speak...
Remember last month how I said I had a dental issue, well I had a massive infection along with it, and it has taken a bit to recover from, in terms of getting all of my energy back. GRRRRRR. I had to make up client visits at work and study time for my upcoming certification exam, so work has been busier than normal. Ya and grrr. The best part about it all, my boss has proven once again that I am working at work nirvana.
I missed a few Winter Training sessions with my Rowing club, but continued to go, even if I was the SLOWEST on the ERGs, which DROVE ME INSANE!!! I am just about back to my normal pace, however, so it was the right decision to dial it back. My instructor told me that 1 week of missed rowing takes a minimum of 2 weeks to get back and that's if you just missed sessions, if you were sick or injured, it takes a bit longer. Using over a hundred muscles at an intense aerobic rate is not for wimps.......
This is how out of sorts life has been, I only read 3 books during February. I just looked up the books I read and was shocked how low my total was. :( However, I did read 'The Dollmaker' by Harriette Simpson Arnow, which is a masterpiece of Appalachian storytelling. It is, however, one of the most depressing books I have ever read, so be forewarned..
In New Year's Resolution land, I started a 10-15 minute daily practice of Hand Lettering using the template of last month's Creating for Happiness challenge that I did and it was the right decision to tackle something that quite frankly intimidated me. I made HUGE strides in my lettering and am now really enjoying it. I still want to take a live class to move me along, but I'm learning and having fun. I also kept to my water challenge upping my daily goal to 60 ounces of water a day, which I met all but 2 days and even then it was still in the 48 ounces range. My penny challenge is fun, which I never thought I say about a money goal, but it is... Progress not Perfection is my motto these days..
I know many of you who read this blog and are in my live are big fans of Miss Bacall, my basset hound, and I wanted to give you a bit of a head's up and a warning. My girl is getting old, in fact she is the oldest Basset Hound I have ever had and with that age comes some complications....... She is suffering from congestive heart failure. She has the reverse sneezing as they call it and it is getting worse. She is still the happy-go-lucky goofball she has always been, with a bit of added sass these days, but during her fits of reverse sneezing, or wheezing as I call it, she seems a bit uncomfortable. I'm trying not to be paranoid, but trying to be responsible if she is suffering. The hardest part of it, knowing my time with this bundle of love wrapped in a basset body is coming to an end......... This is the only sucky thing about dogs, they don't live as long as humans.....
I hope February found you in a calmer place than it did me.....
and if it didn't I hope you have an end to the crazy soon.
Grace be with you