I'll admit it...
I forgot.
Truth be told, I wrote it in another location, my personal journal.
You have been with this for a year and so I thought you were due some closure.
About my 2014 New Year's Resolutions.....
let go of that breath I know you were holding. (snark intended)
First, let's review the list and why I chose them here....
And now for closure,
#1. Get cards to people on time.
My best year ever.... my niece, who's Birthday was December 26th, may not agree with me as I sent her card not only late but to her dorm address and not her home address where she was at the time of her Birthday. A pleasant surprise will greet her when she gets back to school. Surprise!!! That was my only big goof on this one. My entire family was pretty much in shock this year.
#2. Finish Projects in a timely and sane manner.
I Let it Go!!! Let it Go!! Sorry, couldn't help but breaking into song. I released this notion that it HAD TO BE DONE NOW!!!!!! and had more fun with my crafty and other projects this year. The ultimate irony of this, by relaxing I generally got things done faster.
#3. Work on my personal style.
I did ok with this one. I struggled with a little weight that I put on throughout the year and it definitely put me in a not buying clothes mood. I did, however, clean out my closets and drawers and donated clothing I either did not like, did not fit, or was so totally out of style no one would want to be near me when I wore it. I actually bought 2 items that are in my Pinterest 'My Style' board and love them. I also realized I am completely ok with going to the grocery store in sweats and no makeup and I stopped feeling like I had to dress up for things that did not matter to me. On the flip side, I love to dress up for events. Glam me up on those occasions. The last thing I did for my personal style was to CHOP my hair!! It went from reaching the bottom of my shoulder blades to right below my ears. It was liberating and apparently flattering because people have been telling me to keep this hair cut.
#4. Figure out my Yoga practice
I found a studio, 2 streets away from my house that I can walk to, and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It is not a trendy place. It focuses on the basics and it makes be calm. I was very inconsistent, however, about going when life got funky, which is the absolute worst time to stop and that is something I am still working on, consistency.
#5. Find balance in my workout schedule.
Remember how I almost did not put this on my list? I wrote a whole post about it in February, called A bit of the Blahs.... This resolution gave me grief. I struggled the ENTIRE YEAR and it was not until mid December during an Abdominal Massage in Mexico that I realized why. It was an emotional moment I tell you.... I honestly could not breathe.... I was working out due to fear. I was never going to find balance in fear. It is just not possible. I had to and have to continue to workout from a place of love. For example, I love what my body is able to do today or I love how I feel when I am in class or I love what I am doing. This is going to be a lifelong process, but at least I know now what balance in my workout schedule should look like.
Since December, I have taken days off when I have not felt well, instead of pushing myself too hard. I have let go the expectation of what my poses should look like in yoga and have made progress like you can not believe. I have made plans not to do it alone.
#6. Cross items off my Bucket List.
I love this one....more National Parks were visited, I completed a MARATHON, I had a tarot card reading, I'm almost done with the 100 best movies ever made list, and there were a few more. This will make another appearance in 2015.
#7. Do a monthly savings challenge.
Absolute failure on this one. I did not have a plan. I did not make a plan. I should of had the plan before I made the resolution. Financially, I did ok in 2014, but I could of done better with a plan. I am redoing this in 2015 and I already have my plan in place.
#8. Be more creative.
I put a lot of thought, effort and time into this one and eventually it paid off. It was not without its pitfalls, however, I took classes that I just didn't click with, struggled with finding the right medium, and had some doubts. In September, I found my unexpected gift. I fell in love with Watercolors and for a person who is unable to draw a straight line with a ruler (I get that weird ruler bump), it loved me back. I am enjoying painting immensely and am continuing my classes in 2015.
#9. Maintain my progress and Move Forward.
This year was interesting. It had some High Highs and very Low Lows. I got completely flipped by the end of the year and had lost my balance. The benefit, however, of some life experience is that I flipped back right side up faster and with more ease than I had in the past. I realized there are some very simple things that help keep me in balance and will use them not only when things are going well, but when they are not. I also will ask for help before it gets too bad. I am very lucky and grateful for the people in my life who have offered and given help to me.
Was that a year or what?
Some successes and some not.
But I will never regret making the Resolutions....
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