Thursday, November 1, 2018

Oh October....


A very exciting migraine update, I have not had a migraine since the August disasters!!!  This is soooo huge for me.

The Utah Football team has stopped giving me ulcers and started giving me reasons to cheer-the last three games we have won and have scored at least 40 points.  Go UTES!

It wouldn't be a monthly update without a Red Butte Garden mention, so here it is, I volunteered a couple of times at Garden after Dark this month.  It had such a cute and informational theme this year, visitors attended Oak Lore Academy (it was a twist on Harry Potter, but without all of the licensing issues).  They attended classes such as Wand Theory (where they got a wand), Potions, Magical Creatures (where in the Herb and Fragrance gardens, the staff had made creatures and as a really cool addition, HawkWatch was there with birds.  I saw a really cute small owl and a Merlin) and finally (and how could there not be at a Conservation garden) Botany.  Our villain for the evening was Myrtle Spurge, a noxious witch and ever so conveniently an invasive weed that is attacking the Wasatch front.  This is such a popular event and every year it just seems to get better.

Now it's time for you to have your eye roll or face palm moment and say Oh, Melissa......during October, I went on a massive cooking and planning binge.  The result 16 freezer crockpot meals are hanging out in my freezer ready to go, along with 6 mini lasagnas, taquitos, and breakfast burritos.  Needless to say my freezer is full, but on days that are crazy or nights that I don't feel like cooking I have a healthy home cooked meal ready to roll.........

Next moment, thanks to Pinterest (I know, I know, I need an intervention) I taught myself a new knitting technique.  It's called Intarsia and basically it's multi colored knitting.  It is the most basic of multi colored knitting but hey I can do it now....and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be.  I wish I had done it sooner....

Speaking of knitting, I dropped off the animals, monsters and other assorted creatures that my Mom and I have been knitting throughout the year to the Utah Highway Patrol for their Teddy Bear program.  They were overrunning the place so we decided not to wait until December.

A bit of sad news....last night I only had 15-20 Trick or Treaters, but they all loved the Play Doh they got.  I was a bit nervous to switch it up, but last year I had soooooooooo much leftover candy that I wanted to do something different.  Enter the Play Doh and this year my leftovers will be going to Toys for Tots in a couple of weeks instead of my hips.  :)  Win Win....

A few random items before I go.... CenterPointe Theater knocked it out of the park with their production of Ragtime!  Bacall continues to amaze and spread joy.  Meeko is actually visiting people who stop by and not hiding.  If you are looking for a book to read, try "The House on Mango Street' by Sandra Cisneros.  It's a short, about 100 pages, coming of age novel of little vignettes.  I have no idea how I have missed it until now.    One last plea, Now that it's November, please vote......

I hope all is well...

latest page in my art journal....

Friday, October 5, 2018

See ya, September!

Another month has come and gone in a blink of an eye......

The weather has finally started to feel like fall, WAHOOOOOOO!!  It was a hot, DRY, DRY summer!

The Red Butte Concert season came to a close on the 17th with Billy Idol, but before him, Trombone Shorty (if you know nothing about him, google him immediately!!!) and O.A.R with Matt Nathanson (my new musical crush, he's adorable on stage and I love his music).  I'm always conflicted about the end of the season, I am happy for the crazy busy part to be over but at the same time, I always miss the music!

A migraine update, I got botox and a new medication for when one hits, and I have not had one since the changes!!!!  It feels like a minor miracle after all of the ones I had in a row.  I was slightly disappointed and teased my doctor that my botox would make me look younger, but the dosage and locations of my migraine botox does nothing for the cosmetic side.  ;)

I also had an eye exam and am officially blind as a bat and without the sonar capabilities.  I am getting used to my new prescription.  Let's just say, if they ever change that big E on the eye chart, I am in big trouble.  The good news, my vision is completely fixable with glasses or contacts to the point of 20/15.

If you went to Pioneer Memorial Theatre during the run of 'Oslo', you will know why I am about to rave about this play, and if you didn't, or don't live in the area, if you see it being performed in your area, GO!!!!!!!  Do not be discourage by its running length-almost 3 hours-the time flies and the subject matter is engrossing.  I don't want to give too much away but 'Oslo' is a Tony winning drama play and based on a real life event......

The Broadway Across America, SLC schedule, kicked in on the 30th for me with 'Waitress'.  There was a musical number that may of been one of the funniest scenes I have ever witnessed on stage.  I was crying I was laughing so hard.  People ask me all the time why I put the money into my season tickets and this show summed it up completely, I would of seen it advertised and maybe purchased tickets, but probably would of forgotten and I would of ended up missing it.  My season tickets get me to shows that I would probably miss and some that I would of never purchased tickets for, and do you want to hear something really interesting, some of my favorite shows are the ones that I would of never gotten tickets for without my season tickets.....

Bacall is massively cheering the cooler temps!  She still goes on walks, very, very slow walks, but walks nonetheless.  She is such a happy soul.....  Meeko has been in a very sociable mood lately, so if you stop by, you might actually see her....

The UofU football team is going to give me an ulcer this year.  The game against Washington State about drove me over the edge....  I'm still a fan, I will always be a fan, but good grief.

I hope September was a good month for you!

my art for the month, a koala I knitted...

Thursday, September 6, 2018


I feel like there needs to be a ......... at the end of every paragraph for the month of August to demonstrate the ugh and slightly frustrating theme of the month......

The heat........
Bacall's health and scaring me to death........
Migraines popping up with a frustrating occurrence with no known cause........
Cancelled plans, moved plans and plans just not coming together.........
The blah or doldrums of the Dog Days of Summer.......

The funny thing, I didn't think August was all that bad, I just felt like I was spinning my wheels, which on the one hand makes you realize what you really want, but on the other ...........

Now for the explanations...

Miss Bacall scared me to no end this month...  I actually made an appointment thinking she was not going to come home with me.  Not fun.  The vet knew I was conflicted about it and asked a bunch of questions and determined that all hope was not lost and put her on some stomach meds for about a week and she is soooooo much better. Still old and elderly but better.

I have had multiple migraines this month with all of them not having my known triggers.  It has been VERY VERY frustrating.  My doctor has seen an massive uptake this month and they are wondering if the air quality, which sucks due to all of the fires in the west,  is contributing.  If that is the case, I'm in trouble, because the fires seem to be worse every year.

Work has been good but some things keep getting moved around and messing with my schedule.  I guess that means I need to be more flexible, but sometimes I just like having a plan.......

Red Butte concerts continue to cruise along with a performance from the Utah Symphony, Death Cab for Cutie, Ben Harper and Charlie Musselwhite, Greensky Bluegrass, and a Lost 80's Night.  I have 3 more shows to work in September and then the season is done........

Maybe the grumpy cat I put on the July update influenced my month ;) so for this month I thought I would pick something a little more cheery....

I hope August went a bit smoother for you...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018



I have been in a very punny mood lately, so when I saw the following, I knew it had to be the title of this post.....

June's over?


Main July news, Red Butte concert shows are in full swing!!!  The Avett Brothers, Counting Crows, Retro Night (which had a ton of bands from the 80's),  TajMo, Chris Isaak, and Toad the Wet Sprocket..  I've moved up the totem pole a bit, so I'm doing a variety of jobs, including ticket taking.  So if you attend a concert, I might scan your ticket.....

I also helped out at Red Butte at a Monday Night event, cause I hadn't been there enough in July.  They are actually really fun events, free to members or with your admission to the Garden.  They are held in the courtyard and feature a local band or cultural group, plus there are crafts......

On the 19th, I took a major step forward in a New Year's Resolution, I took a 4 hour workshop on lettering/calligraphy.  I learned how to correctly work the tip of the brush pen and realized that my work is going to have a slightly different slant than everyone else's.  It's going to set me apart when I get it consistent, so practice, practice, practice is my motto now.

Are you melting yet?  SLC has been roasting this July.  I get very excited when I see a temperature below 95, because it hasn't  happened a whole lot.  ugh.

I had the opportunity to finally see "Phantom of the Opera" when it was here.  WOW was it good!  I really enjoy my season tickets, paying for them always makes me wince, but all throughout the year, I appreciate them.

I am currently in the middle of another Oprah and Deepak Chopra Meditation event.  It's a nice habit former to do it for 21 days straight..and it keeps me on track with my New Year's resolution.

Miss Bacall, or Super B, as she is now known, had a rough patch and went to the vet where her heart and lungs were pronounced clear and she is still good.  It's soooooo hard when your fur-family member is getting up there in years.

I continue to read, go to my art group, knit and row...  I think you would go into shock at this point if I said I wasn't doing one of those things.   :)

a page in my big Art Journal that I did in July..

Hope your July was happy and healthy.....
and I'm not Julying..... har har har


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What's your Goal?

We are over half way thru 2018?  How did that happen??????????

I thought since I sorta abandoned the New Year's Resolution updates in my monthly (well, sometimes monthly other times quarterly) blogs, I would do it here.....and this is one of those blogs that is really for me to maintain accountability in goals I set.  I hope it's not to boring for the rest of you...

Resolution #1
At least 26 'Something to Think About' Journal entries.
my journal and a page prompt.
I have done 10 and I am completely ok with that number.  I'm not as consistent with them as I thought I would be, but I've noticed a trend in my journaling-from April to August, I don't typically write as often, but from September to February, I'm a writing machine, March can go either way..  I may not get to 26 by the end of the year, but I've definitely done more that any other year.

Resolution #2
Bucket List items

Here's why I think Resolutions are such a good thing to tie with Bucket List items, 3 of my resolutions are actually on my Bucket List.  

Resolution #3
Get outdoors more!  Hiking, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, rowing, camping, etc

It's funny on this one, because sometimes I think nature is against me.  The winds have been blowing this summer and it has kept me off the lake and rowing less than I would prefer, but they are not keeping me off completely.  The other thing I've realize about this goal, you have to plan and make it a priority if you want to get out there, otherwise life will get in the way.  I made a goal for the summer to go out once a week for a small mountain adventure.  I'm now aware of it and look for days to go and make the actual plans...

Resolution #4
See if the idea in my head really is a novel

This is a slower process than I believed it was going to be....  The characters may of been in my head, but the plot had massive holes in it.  I saw a quote in January from a writer that basically said always have an outline of where you want your novel to go otherwise you can write yourself into a dead end faster than you will ever believe.  I have the opening and closing chapters written, but have spent the majority of my time planning in a small notebook plot lines, characteristics of the main and secondary characters.  This matters to me more than I thought and I want to do it right...I don't know what I'll do with the end product, but I will finish this.

Resolution #5
More water

Every month I have set a goal which has increased until June when it hit 80 ounces of water a day.  Somedays I go way over 80, but 80 is a reasonable and healthy number for me.  I have for some crazy reason missed 1 day every month, not by a lot, but every dang month...

Resolution #6
 Work on my lettering/calligraphy

I bought a kit from Crayola and started from there.  I thought I couldn't ruin Crayola markers while I self taught myself pressure and shapes and I think it turned out somewhat ok.  I did a 30 day challenge starting in February where I practiced everyday and made HUGE strides.  I'm still working on creative placements and finding my own style and still learning...  On July 19th, I took a workshop from Melissa Esplin whose work I really admire and is a distant relative. Utah has a ton of well known letterers (who knew), so I got some in person help there.  Being a leftie in this has had its challenges and the hardest is that my natural slant is slightly different from all of the others that I see, but the workshop helped me to embrace my natural style, now I just need to get consistent with it.....
some of my practicing.....

Resolution #7
Try something new every month....a restaurant, activity, etc

This is the list of restaurants I am working from.  All that I have been to have been AMAZING!

I keep a list of what I do in my written journal every month.  It just makes me happy to see my world expanding from new restaurants, classes, museums, etc...

Resolution #8
Find and maintain my Meditation Practice

This is still a work in progress.  I'm finding that once a week I do a formal meditation of 20 minutes or longer and it's not the same day of the week, I just do it when it feels right.  The thing I am noticing the most, is that I am doing mini meditations almost daily, I am taking time to do 5-10 deep breaths and just stop and focus.  This has been a very happy and welcome addition in my day to day life.

Resolution #9
Travel Solo

My plan is still in motion.  I'm not going to say more than that for now, but this is going to happen.

Resolution #10
Penny savings challenge

I have a plan, but I switch up weeks according to whim and knowing how my money is in certain months.  I am on schedule and very happy about this.  Here's to almost $700 by the end of the year for fun stuff during 2019!

my money jar...

Friday, July 13, 2018

Creating for Happiness....

7/13/18 Just a Note...I have had this blog written for basically 5 months, but just haven't put the art in it.  I have no idea why, but I finally did, so here you go and a friendly reminder, if you want to see a larger version of the photo, just click on it.....I hope you enjoy it :)
my small art journal where all of this took's about 6 x 4 inches

I saw an evolution in my art during this...
During the month of January, I set aside at least 15 minutes to do something creative.  I thought it would be just a fun way to use some of the art supplies that I had purchased and gain some value out of them but as it progressed, it turned into something more--this is the story of how it happened ..
Signing up for Creating for Happiness was a....

Almost every Tuesday evening, you can find me at Purple Flamingo Studios, owned by my now friend Marti and run with another pal Melissa,  for open studio.  It's part art time and part time with some amazing people I have the honor to call friends.  We range in age, talent, background and almost any category you care to put us in....the one thing we have in common, we love to create.  This is a fairly new concept for me to describe myself as creative and yes, even, an artist.  The group on Tuesday gets quite upset with me when I say I'm not creative or an artist and making the switch in my mind has been a process......
this was day 2...about letting go of my fears of doing art

Near the end of December, Marti posted on Facebook that she was going to participate in something called 'Creating for Happiness' and invited everyone to join.  As I am a big fan of mini challenges and had been wanted to use my art supplies at home, or quite frankly open some of them up, I jumped at the opportunity and signed up.  It is free and is done thru a daily email and facebook.
a page about taking time for the things that matter

"Creating for Happiness is a gentle program to get you creating, build happiness and set a solid foundation to your daily creative practice.  It provides daily motivation and tips that help you build creative habits.  Just be warned - gentle does not equal easy, superficial or frivolous.  This will be a rich, deeply personal and rewarding experience."  From the guidebook for Creating for Happiness.

finding your own personal style.
As I read the rest of the guidebook, I soon realized that this was, like most things, not just about one thing.  You needed to look at why you wanted to do this, and while I'm not going to share my reason with you, let's just say it surprised me.  The reason you do anything is so important, because when your inner critic jumps up and down saying you can't do something, your reason can say, OH YES, I CAN.  Your reason will also help you eliminate all of the reasons you may not make time for creating.   Now onto the guidelines of the program.

            Number 1.  15 minutes, just start with 15 minutes.  There were some days I barely made the 15 and others I went WAY past, but having a minimal time requirement took the pressure off.
I love this quote and wanted to do a page with it...

            Number 2.  Figure out your route.  I was a bit confused by this for a moment, but quickly understood.  Eliminate the prep of gathering supplies, figuring out what you are going to work with or on, because if you have ever taken on a creative project, you know that just getting everything ready can take a while and poof your time would be up.   Have it ready so you can just start.  I chose a small art Journal and bags of my different supplies.  I chose the bags of coordinating supplies to figure out what I liked and what I didn't.  To be technical, you are supposed to only have one supply group, but when I explained to the facilitator what my goal was, she said,  go for it.
Travel as often as you can.....even within your own city

             Number 3.  The flexibility.  You got to chose when, how, and why you were doing this.  There was someone in the group that pieced together an amazing quilt, someone who drew variations of a blue bird, and someone who did a little bit of work on large painting; I could go on and on and on with how each individual approached this.  We varied in skill, artistic medium, age, nationality, and just about every other category you could find, but the one thing that we had in common, we were and still are very supportive of each other.

And that's it....for instructions at least, now it was time to start my Creating for Happiness challenge and I did.
about a week in, this literally went off in my brain...
Some days I doodled, essentially, and others were layering and playing.  Some pages took 2 days to do....
inspiration...Japanese ink drawings.

I was tired of all the senseless talk that day...
got a little braver in my drawing that day
It kept building and I got braver as I went...
This one just made me smile...

a doodle day...
we had been having winter weather and I just wanted to get outside...

my own version of something I had seen.

As I finished the first 30 days, I decided to continue on, but by practicing my Lettering/faux calligraphy and I did.  When that was done, I did something I didn't think I would ever do, sign up for a drawing class and found out something quite amazing.....I can draw.

You never know what will happen when you try new things,
I'm just happy I decided to Create for Happiness....


Thursday, July 12, 2018

June Bug....

Please stay away from me for the rest of the summer......

that was my motto of June.  I got stung by a bee and a wasp and got spider bite.  NOT COOL insects of the world!!!!!!  And an added bonus for all of this, it turns out I am allergic to wasp bites, my finger where I got stung got blisters, doubled in size and ITCHED like no tomorrow, I about went cra-cra.  The test is if I ever get stung again, my doctor said I could have the same reaction or worse, I don't even want to think about worse.............

In other news, Red Butte concerts are rolling along.  In June, I worked shows for Ryan Adams, Violent Femmes, BareNaked Ladies with KT Tunsdall and Better than Ezra, and Michael Franti.  The Violent Femmes are one of my all time favorite bands and I had a job that was after the show, so I got to attend and sing along and just be a fan, but the BEST part happened after the show.  I was finished with my work and headed to the area where we check out, which is behind the stage.  Meanwhile, the band had been signing autographs after the show and were just finishing when I was done.  Can you tell what happened?  I GOT TO MEET THEM!!!!!! and have like a 5 minute conversation with The Violent Femmes!  I completely forgot to take my phone out and take a picture, but I don't care, I have the memory embedded in my brain.  They were so nice, asked if they had played my favorite song (they did and I have about 5 favorites of theirs), asked if I had ever seen them in concert before (I hadn't) and just chatted about how much they love being on the road again.   I Love when things like that happen............ The other shows have been amazing as well!  I had forgotten how many songs of Better Than Ezra I knew and the Michael Franti show was just a feel good/high energy night.

Miss Bacall wants me to tell you that she is ok but wants someone to turn down the heat.  I am vigilant about the signs of her not being ok and happy.  She is just the happiest dang soul I have ever encountered.

If you live along the Wasatch front, have you ever been to the CenterPointe Theater in Centerville?  I went for the first time in June with my mom, some aunts and a cousin.  We saw their performance of Crazy for You.  It was cute and well done!  You might want to check it out.......

Rowing is still happening, but not as much as I would love to.  The wind has been blowing here and long skinny boats do not get along with wind, plus the firefighters battling all of the fires around here would probably appreciate the wind going away.  The club cancelled 5 scheduled club rows due to wind in June.  UGH....

I know this will come as a bit of a shock, but I am still reading a lot....if you are on Facebook at all, you will have noticed that I did 10 days of my favorite books on there.  It was about the only time I have been consistent with FB in a while.   A book I read in June that  I highly recommend is "Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice by Raymond Arsenault". It's the book the PBS special was based on.  Phenomenal book!!!

I know this post was a wee bit disjointed, so I apologize for that, but writing at the end of the month and remembering what happened leads to that.

I hope your summer is going well and that you are able to stay cool!!

Hiding from all insects and bugs from here on out.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

March on into April, Move on into May...

Remember how I said in January, I would do a monthly, at least, blog to let you know what was up?  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the universe said....

During the past 3 months, I have had technical issues that can only be described as Murphy's law.  My old phone decided to take time off, not send texts, not receive texts and basically mess with my entire network.  Oh, and it wasn't all the time, so I would notice, it was completely random.  AARGH!

Here is my plea for understanding, if you sent me texts, emails or even called during that time and I did not respond, please forgive me.  I was not ignoring you!  I just didn't get them.....

I now have a new phone and a new cell phone network, and here is my lovely tip and money saving advice, KNOW YOUR SERVICE DATES WHEN SWITCHING PROVIDERS!  I looked at my bill and thought I had it correct, but I was off by 3 days and ended up being charged for an ENTIRE month, they do no prorate after you end your service.  I am so annoyed....but at the same time, I LOVE my new provider!

Anyhow, life went on, even with the technical issues.  I took a drawing class from an AMAZING friend and instructor and it turns out I was lying to myself when I said I couldn't draw.  The actuality was that I had never been taught how to draw.  It was definitely a process and most of it mental to get rid of the block that said I can't do this.  I know I said about a billion years ago I had an art post coming and it really is and now there might be two....

Now for a Bacall update, in early May, I thought I was going to lose her so I made an appointment with the vet for the next day but when it was time for the appointment, she was so much better, so we had an honest talk about signs to look for when it was going to be time---how many days without food, agility, neurological control.  It wasn't a fun talk, but we all agreed that she is nearing the end and we don't want to have her in pain or just miserable.  She still wags her tail ALL the time.  She still wants to go on walks, even if they are just one block and take about 45 minutes.  She still loves to go to her doggy day care once a week to be treated like the Queen she is.  And I will take and enjoy this one day at a time until she says no more......

My other big news is that I am officially back rowing on the Great Salt Lake!!!!!!  I can not even tell you how happy I was my first day back on the water.  This is the info that will make you laugh, if you know me well, I even happily get up before 9 am on a weekend to do this.

Life rolls along...
Work is good.  The summer concert season at Red Butte Gardens has already started with an amazing show with The Wood Brothers and Devil Makes Three (check them out, I love their music), so my summer evenings are filling up with volunteer shifts.  While Hamilton was in town, my mom and I had the amazing opportunity to see it (here's to season tickets, because WOW did it sell out fast).  I had been listening to the original cast recording for a month or two before the show, so I was a little concerned about it living up to the hype, but it definitely did.  I'm still knitting animals for the Cops for Kids program.  I just finished a litter of kittens, :)
two of the six kittens I knitted....

I hope all is well with you!
and I promise to be better......

Finally technologically sound again,

Monday, March 5, 2018

Fly By February....

If I thought January went fast,  February upped the game and went warp speed.....
my view of February as it flew on by...

I kind of had a head down, nose to the grindstone attitude this month and while I did things I enjoyed, if you weren't apart of the schedule, I didn't see or talk to you...  I am very sorry about that.  In fact, in the last two days, I've had three messages or voicemails saying "Are you alive?  I haven't heard from you in a bit..."  I need to be better about the balance thing when life is busy or I get behind and am in catch up mode.

Now for the reasons why I went AWOL sorta speak...
Remember last month how I said I had a dental issue, well I had a massive infection along with it, and it has taken a bit to recover from, in terms of getting all of my energy back.  GRRRRRR.  I had to make up client visits at work and study time for my upcoming certification exam, so work has been busier than normal.  Ya and grrr.  The best part about it all, my boss has proven once again that I am working at work nirvana.

I missed a few Winter Training sessions with my Rowing club, but continued to go, even if I was the SLOWEST on the ERGs, which DROVE ME INSANE!!!  I am just about back to my normal pace, however, so it was the right decision to dial it back.  My instructor told me that 1 week of missed rowing takes a minimum of 2 weeks to get back and that's if you just missed sessions, if you were sick or injured, it takes a bit longer.  Using over a hundred muscles at an intense aerobic rate is not for wimps.......

This is how out of sorts life has been, I only read 3 books during February.  I just looked up the books I read and was shocked how low my total was.  :(  However, I did read 'The Dollmaker' by Harriette Simpson Arnow, which is a masterpiece of Appalachian storytelling.  It is, however, one of the most depressing books I have ever read, so be forewarned..

In New Year's Resolution land, I started a 10-15 minute daily practice of Hand Lettering using the template of last month's Creating for Happiness challenge that I did and it was the right decision to tackle something that quite frankly intimidated me.  I made HUGE strides in my lettering and am now really enjoying it.  I still want to take a live class to move me along, but I'm learning and having fun.   I also kept to my water challenge upping my daily goal to 60 ounces of water a day, which I met all but 2 days and even then it was still in the 48 ounces range.  My penny challenge is fun, which I never thought I say about a money goal, but it is...  Progress not Perfection is my motto these days..

I know many of you who read this blog and are in my live are big fans of Miss Bacall, my basset hound, and I wanted to give you a bit of a head's up and a warning.  My girl is getting old, in fact she is the oldest Basset Hound I have ever had and with that age comes some complications.......  She is suffering from congestive heart failure.  She has the reverse sneezing as they call it and it is getting worse.  She is still the happy-go-lucky goofball she has always been, with a bit of added sass these days, but during her fits of reverse sneezing, or wheezing as I call it, she seems a bit uncomfortable.  I'm trying not to be paranoid, but trying to be responsible if she is suffering.  The hardest part of it, knowing my time with this bundle of love wrapped in a basset body is coming to an end.........  This is the only sucky thing about dogs, they don't live as long as humans.....

I hope February found you in a calmer place than it did me.....
and if it didn't I hope you have an end to the crazy soon.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

First one is on the Books...


Are you in shock that you didn't have to wait for 9 months for the next blog?  :)

I thought I would try something this year to keep the posts coming in a consistent manner, a month in review post.  It will be a book review, resolution update and life in review kind of a thing.  It sounded like a good idea in my head so I'm doing it.....

First, did January fly by really fast for you as well?????  It's like I blinked and January was over, however, I did get a lot accomplished.

I signed up thru Salt Lake School District Community Education in partnership with my Rowing Club for Winter Training.  It started on January 17th and it will run thru late March.  On Monday and Wednesday evenings, I go to West High School for ERG/rowing machine training and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training,  or as I call it weights on speed).  It's kicking my butt in a very good way and more importantly getting me ready to hit the water in late March when the Rowing Season begins.  It's been really fun to reconnect with my rowing buds and has also reminded me how much I LOVE to row.  Resolution, Get outside more.......

In late December, a friend of mine brought to my attention a program called 'Creating for Happiness' which is a creative challenge to get you to form a daily practice.  I have a ton of supplies that I wasn't really using at home or truthfully, at all, so I initially thought this would be a great way to bring value into something I already own.  It turned into something quite a bit more and I'm going to be incredibly brave soon and do a post about my art, including pictures to share more about this 30 day challenge I did in January.   Resolution, Try Something New a Month...

I also challenged myself to drink at least 48 oz of water a day in January (I figured I would start small and set myself up for success) and did not have one day where I did not make my goal and on Rowing training days, it was WAY more.  I did two 'Something to Think About' Journal entries.  I chose them at random and they were very appropriate for the things going on in my life, so Ya a resolution that is being more than I thought it would be.  I am still on schedule for my Penny Savings Challenge, doing 1 week from January, a week from December, and two weeks from March.  Remember my plan was to be flexible on the route, but not on the destination.....  Resolutions, More water, At least 26 'Something to Think About' Journal entries,  Penny savings challenge

Now onto other things....
I read Les Miserable by Victor Hugo in January.  HUGE, HUGE book and could of used a bit of editing (I really could of done without the extensive information and history of the Paris sewers), but if you love the musical, do yourself a favor and read this book.   After that 1300 page plus book, I read a few others, but as I write this none of them are jumping out at me to say, recommend me, so I guess that's the end of that.

Work continues to be Nirvana and I am diligently studying and preparing for my new certification I am undertaking.  So WAHOO!  A happy work life!

I am in shock about the weird, warm, dry winter we are having.  It's quite honestly scaring me about our future water.  By the way, have you heard about the situation in Cape Town, South Africa?  They are running out of water!!  They actually have an end date for water.  It's scary.

I hope you have avoided the flu that has been ravaging the country!  I had a bit of a dental adventure but thanks to a very good dentist/oral surgeon I am well and good now and have avoided the flu, so I can't complain....

I hope 2018 is off to a good start for you...

Monday, January 1, 2018

10 for 2018. UPDATED

Bacall Approved Resolutions!

For some reason, the past couple of years, I have had ten New Year's Resolutions and when I finished writing down my resolutions for 2018, you guessed it....

10 Resolutions!

I keep a list of my Resolutions on my phone and I have them written in a journal so they stay visible to me all year long.  I'm someone who is constantly looking for new ways to improve, expand and enjoy life and resolutions are a way for me to do these things in a concrete way.  

So without further ado, my 2018 Resolutions

1.  At least 26 'Something to Think About' Journal entries.

When the O Magazine first came out, I was a subscriber and every month there was a cardstock tear out with a journal prompt and questions on it.  I saved them every month and put them in a three ring binder thinking that I would do them someday.  I've done maybe 10 of them in the years since and I have close to a hundred.  It's time to use this easy journaling prompt.

RESULT:  I did 19 which is more that I had done since collecting them in my folder and am completely ok with this.  I will continue using these simple journaling prompts in 2019

2.  Bucket List items

I know you are in shock that this is on my Resolution list again.  Hey, I love this, so it's here to stay and I consider Bucket lists as nothing more than a Life Resolution list so why not make progress every year.  

RESULT:  Once again, not the ones I thought, but the ones I needed

3.  Get outdoors more!  Hiking, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, rowing, camping, etc.

I LOVE being outside!  I am not always the best at getting out there though....daily life gets in the way, so I thought if I made it more of a focus and even making it a regular part of my workout routine, I would get outside more...  Nature fulfills me in a way that I can not explain and the more the better.

RESULT:  Better but still not as much as I would of liked.  I did get rowing again, though, and that made me insanely happy.

4.  See if the idea in my head really is a novel

You are either going to think I'm crazy or totally get this, but I have a few characters in my head that want to be in a story.  I've been doing research as the year has come to an end on how to start to write a novel.  I'm going to dedicate a certain amount of time each week and maybe even join a writing group and see what happens.  It may be end up being a short story or novella, but I need to do this...

RESULT:  This was an adventure.  I now understand why in author's notes when they say it took them years to write the book.  I have learned a lot, made mistakes, and kept going..... and will keep going in 2019.

5.  More water.

I had a hit and miss year with drinking the amount of water that I need.  If I am drinking water at the level my body likes a couple of things happen---1.  I don't drink carbonated drinks and 2. The weight I want to lose is easier and when I'm at a healthy weight, it's easier to maintain.  Plus it's just a healthy thing to do.

RESULT:  I started with a small goal and then bumped it up every month until I hit 80 ounces a day, which I now maintain.  I kept a daily log and will continue with that, it's a HUGE help and reminder.  I now notice when I haven't hit my goals.  If I'm not feeling well, my first question to myself, is how much water have I had?

6.  Work on my lettering/calligraphy

I follow people on instagram, facebook and blogs who are AMAZING letterers!  I have been downloading practice sheets and such for about a while now, but haven't taken the time to actually start and try this.  I may suck and I may not continue but until I practice on a regular basis and maybe take a class or two, I have no idea whether I can do this or if it's just something that I appreciate.  This is the year I find out.

RESULT:  I got supplies, I learned, I took classes and I found out that I really enjoy doing this even if right now, I'm not very good.  I'm rolling this into a 2019 resolution to get me consistent...

7.  Try something new every month....a restaurant, activity, etc.

This actually sprung from a couple resolutions of 2017 and I want to keep it going.  It keeps me out of my comfort zone, I'll learn new things and try new food, so this is just good all around.

RESULT:  Every month, I did something new and most months I did multiple things.  I'm morphing this into another goal for 2019.

8.  Find and maintain my Meditation Practice.

A couple of years ago, I made a resolution to meditate every day and I fell in love with meditation.  I did find out that in meditating every day, I lost the reason for it.  It became something I had to do, not needed and wanted.  In my quest last year of self-care, I gravitated to meditation often, but then would not have a formal meditation for a while.  I was massively inconsistent, that's what I want to fix.  Have a formal meditation practice that is practical in its repetition, but not a chore, yet often enough that I don't go 'Why don't I do this more?'

RESULT:  I believe I found and maintained my Meditation this year and it makes me so happy.  

9. Travel Solo

My only straight carry over from 2017.  I had ideas, but nothing ever got past that in 2017.  For 2018, I have two separate concrete plans.  If one ends up being a solo trip, the other can become a friend/family trip or maybe I'll do it twice.  It will happen this year.

RESULT:  Concrete plans can be messed up by work and that happened this year.....and it can still be ok

10.  Penny savings challenge

This is a crazy simple savings plan.  I'm not doing this for my main savings, it's a mad money kind of a deal and at the end it's almost $700 saved.  I'm allowing myself flexibility on the schedule but not the participation.  I think the main reason I want to do this is to focus on why I spend the money I do. Intention is becoming a major thing with me and this is a way to examine it in a money sense.

RESULT:  It turned out not to be my favorite way to save money, the odd amounts started to drive me crazy, so I would round up, but it got me thinking about saving extra on a regular basis.

Here's to another year of Resolutions!  
and if you're curious to see how my 2017 ones turned out, I updated the blog that dealt with them and you can read about it, HERE...


The Final Bit....

I knew it was coming, for a while now, but when it finally happened it still hurt. Miss Bacall, tail wagging joyful basset hound superst...